May 1 2015

Wonderful group if guys out on our first charter of the season . We didn’t land any record size fish but we did get some great fresh fillers for their dinner.

David Palmer

Great friends

Met up with some of our neighbour’s from the marina for dinner tonight in London. What a great meal and a way to catch up. We will have to do that more often.

David Palmer

Last summers video

Was going thru some pictures from last year’s sonar found some good pictures that resulted in some great catches.


Late Season Rainbows

These were some hard to get Rainbow trout in late October. Was out with Chris and Neil. Lake had 5-6 ft waves. We moved into the harbour to fish outta the wind and the cold. Shortly after we moved in the coastguard received a mayday and were dispatched having to fight those waves head on all the way to Grand Bend to rescue some folks in a canoe who got swept out onto the lake. Those brave crews never get enough credit for their devotion. Despite the weather we were rewarded with some nice fish!!

New Radar

New Radar Installation

New Radar Installation

Winter is a good time for working on the boat. Dave’s most recent upgrade project is a new radar system. He tells me that it’s tied into his navigation system as well. Looking forward to seeing it in action next May! (posted by Wally)

First Post To Dave’s Blog

Dave With Catch Of The Day

Come fishing with me so you can catch one like this too!

Welcome to Dave’s Blog pages. We will post information about our what’s going on for a variety of subjects including boat updates, fishing charter adventures and sightseeing adventures.

During the charter season watch for up to the minute posts on great catches. We promise no photo enhancements to make that tiny catch look like a trophy winner 🙂  

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